

Hey there cool cats and awesome customers!

We hit this busy season at a deficit. Supply chain issues, and a production crew member moved on to greener pastures (congrats!!!). With good ‘ol covid season still baring down on us, we caught the cooties and had to shut down, our makeup conventions from shut down times all got booked back-to-back. THANKFULLY! July has allowed us to hire new crew members across the board. We have two new production and a new customer service member. We are starting to get caught up with backorders. (quite a few going out this week!)

As we enter August, we will still be shipping consistently. Our customer service person doesn’t come on full time until September. Some replies will still be a little slow, but we will be reaching out as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience throughout these transitions. We sincerely appreciate your business.

-The Forged Foam Family